The Argent Nit. Type
Appearance: Pale complexion, looking older than actual age due to worry and tension.
Mental and emotional aspects: Cheerful and impressionable. Often anxious and worried. Always in a hurry and can be impulsive. Finds it difficult to control emotions. Readily laughs, cries and loses temper. Quick thinking and adept at solving problems. Tends to be extroverted to hide true feelings.
Physical weaknesses: Nervous system. Eyes. Digestive system. Ailments tend to the left side. Dietary factors: Likes chocolate, candy, salt and cheese. Dislikes chilled foods.
The Argent Nit. child: Always moving around and never wants to sit still. Prone to nervousness and can experience upset stomach when stressed. May react badly to new situations like moving house. Can be prone to insomnia due to worry. Prone to bedwetting.
The Argent Nit. Types tend to have weak mucous membranes in their eyes.
The Arsen. Alb. Type
Appearance: Usually thin or slim. Often well groomed and stylish. Fine facial features with fine, delicate skin. Frown lines can appear on the forehead.
Mental and emotional aspects: Restless person. Perfectionist at work and at home. Can be critical and intolerant. Strong opinions. Can have a deep fear of being alone. Obsessive and compulsive behaviour, especially concerning cleanliness and tidying-up; this can hide a hoarding mentality. Can pull out of plans early if they think it is not going to work 100%. Pessimistic in nature with a need for constant reassurance.
Physical weaknesses: Digestive system. Skin. Respiratory system (coughs, asthma and colds) Dietary factors: Likes fatty foods, warm foods and drinks, in particular coffee, candy, alcohol and sour tasting foods. Dislikes large amount of fluid.
The Arsen. Alb. child: Highly sensitive and highly-strung. Easily upset by loud noise. Can become exhausted after periods of exertion. Active imagination can create nightmares in dreams. Increasingly mentally and physically agile with age. Can worry overly about parent’s well being. Dislikes mess and being messy, keeps room tidy.
Warm drinks and sweet foods are favoured by the Arsen. Alb. Types.
The Calc. Carb. Type
Appearance: Overweight or gain weight easily. Sluggish, bloated and tired in appearance.
Mental and emotional aspects: Impressionable, sensitive and quiet. May become withdrawn due to fear of failure. Can dwell too much on a particular problem. May be greatly upset by cruelty to children and animals. Needs motivation to succeed in tasks. Can be prone to mild depression when unwell. Reassurance helps to improve condition.
Physical weaknesses: Ears, nose and throat. Skeletal system, may manifest as back ache. Digestive system, may be prone to irritable bowel syndrome and feeling bloated. Skin. Teeth. Exhaustion, prone to chronic fatigue syndrome. Prone to depression.
Dietary factors: Likes dairy products, eggs, candy, salt, desserts, chocolate, carbohydrates, iced drinks and ice cream. Dislikes fatty meats, boiled food and boiled milk.
The Calc. Carb. child: Plump and overweight. Placid and calm. Slow to walk and talk and teeth are slow to develop. Can fall over easily. Scared of the dark and can be prone to waking up due to bad dreams. Often lazy and may need encouragement with homework because may give up easily.
Ears, nose and throat are weak areas of the Calc. Carb. Type.
The Graphites Type
Appearance: Prone to being overweight and has a large appetite. Blushes easily. Can have a rugged, windswept appearance. May have rough, dry skin that can crack easily. Dry hair, usually dark. Flaky scalp.
Mental and emotional aspects: Takes time to work things out and solve problems. Deep concentration on a task can create irritability. Not always willing to change habits and routines. Not an early morning person. Possible mood swings, tearful and despondent then impatient.
Physical weaknesses: Skin. Nails. Slow metabolic rate. May often have sores in corner of mouth, be exhausted, have bad breath, nose bleeds, styes in eyes and suffer from travel sickness. Dietary factors: Likes sour and savoury foods. Dislikes sweet foods, salt, seafood and hot drinks.
The Graphites child: Feels the cold and gets chills quickly. Timid, hesitant and anxious. Does not like travelling great distances because of travel sickness.
The Graphites type like savoury foods, such as vegetables and salads.
The Ignatia Type
Appearance: Slim build. Prone to dark circles under eyes. Expression may be tired and drawn and may also suffer from involuntary twitches of mouth or eyes. Dry lips. Dark to mid range colour hair. Sighs a lot.
Mental and emotional aspects: Very highly strung. Rapid and extreme mood swings. Can jump from tears to joy then back to depression in the blink of an eye; prone to suppression of grief. Possible difficulty in ending relationships and seeing this as a weakness. Coffee and cigarette addiction is common.
Physical weaknesses: Nervous system. Endless list of problems caused by emotional trauma. Common ailments include hysterical grief over bereavement, leading to headaches, sore throat, coughs and colds, constipation, twitching and grinding teeth. Dietary factors: Likes coffee (even though not good for them), sour and savoury foods, dairy products, carbohydrates. Dislikes sweet foods.
The Ignatia child: Highly strung, excitable and sensitive. Finds it difficult to function when stressed. Divorce of parents almost impossible to deal with, causing outbursts of anger, crying and poor grades at school. Prefers not to be alone. May experience headaches, choughs, sore throats. Responds well to encouragment.
The Ignatia type like dairy foods.
The Lachesis Type
Appearance: May appear bloated or lean. Strong, fixed expression. Usually has pale complexion with occasional freckles. Strong, staring eyes. May lick lips a lot.
Mental and emotional aspects: Very ambitious and creative. Mind can become crowded with thoughts. Jealous and possessive. Talkative. May be sensitive to noise. May view self as sinful when religious. Suspicious of strangers.
Physical weaknesses: Circulation and nervous system. Hyperactivity, varicose veins, menopausal problems, sore throats and asthma, bad sleep and insomnia, palpitations and panic attacks. Prone to left-side problems. Physical ailments made worse when trying to sleep and lay still.
Dietary factors: Likes coffee, alcohol and seafood, cool drinks, sour and savoury food and carbohydrates. Dislikes sweet drinks.
The Lachesis child: Full of spite, can be hurtful to peers. Hyperactive and jealous of brothers and sisters, especially new babies. Prone to bad dreams and nightmares. May suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
The Lachesis types often lick their top lip.
The Lycopodium Type
Appearance: Tall and lean with worry and frown lines on head. Often look older than their years. Facial twitching. Thinning hair in men. Dislikes wearing light clothing.
Mental and emotional aspects: A drama queen, creating mountains out of molehills. Insecure and hates change. Avoids commitment. Anxious over important events. Deep fear of being alone and of the dark. Forgetful. Finds trivial mistakes disproportionately irritating. Hates being contradicted.
Physical weaknesses: Digestive disorders, kidney stones, prostate, sore throats, male baldness. May be prone to chronic fatigue syndrome. Right-side problems.
Dietary factors: Likes sweet foods and warm drinks, onions, garlic and seafood. Dislikes cheese and strongly flavoured meats.
The Lycopodium child: Insecure and shy, though can be dominant and bossy with children they know. Prefers indoor pursuits over outdoors. Conscientious and achiever academically.
The Lycopodium type men can lose their hair early.
The Merc. Sol. Type
Appearance: Medium build. Skin on face may appear shiny due to moisture from perspiration, with grey translucent look. Hair may be fair to medium colour.
Mental and emotional aspects: May struggle internally with emotions. Resentment and lack of trust in others may cause insecurity. Dislikes criticism directed and self and taking orders. May explode with rage and anger. Poor memory with thought patterns becoming muddled in later life.
Physical weaknesses: Sore throat, swelling of glands and exhaustion. Sensitive skin with allergies being common. May be prone to chronic fatigue syndrome and Season Affective Disorder (depression during the darker winter).
Dietary factors: Likes cold drinks, carbohydrates and citrus fruits. Dislikes strongly flavoured foods.
The Merc. Sol. child: Irritating behavior. Shy and cautious. May stammer. Susceptible to ear nose and throat complaints.
The Merc Sol may suffer from changes in the weather or SAD.
The Nat. mur. Type
Appearance: Pear-shaped build in women. Solid, strong and lean build in men. Skin can be puffy and oily with frequent swelling. Watery, red eyes. Dry cracked lips. Medium to dark hair.
Mental and emotional aspects: Will suppress emotions such as, fear, anger, guilt and loneliness, which can lead to depression. May suppress feelings over lost loved ones. May become very depressed after relationship break-up. Will possibly wish to cry but find self unable. Suffer in silence rather than ask for help. Down to Earth with mind set on career.
Physical weaknesses: Nervous system. Depression, premenstrual syndrome, anorexia; skin problems; mouth ulcers and cold sores; palpitations and headaches.
Dietary factors: Likes cold drinks, sour and savoury foods and craves salt and most carbohydrates. Dislikes coffee and bread.
The Nat. mur. child: Small for their age. Slow development. Well behaved. Loves animals. Very good academically but can become extremely hurt if criticised at school. May suffer from headaches under pressure.
The Nat. mur. type may be professional and career minded.
The Nux Vomica Type
Appearance: Slim, especially when young. Smart appearance. May look stressed and tense. Ages prematurely. May have dark circles under eyes. Face becomes flushed when angry or excited.
Mental and emotional aspects: Can suffer from addictions and overindulgence. May have cravings for alcohol, coffee, cigarettes. Can be addicted to sex. Finds it difficult to relax. Can be very ambitious. Impatient. Intolerant of imperfection in others. Failure is the worst thing that can happen.
Physical weaknesses: Digestive disorders from hangovers and overindulgence. Migraines and headaches. Hernia and hay fever. Feels better after sleep.
Dietary factors: Likes fatty and rich food, cheese and cream, alcohol, coffee and spicy foods. Dislikes the effects of some spicy food even though they like eating them.
The Nux Vomica child: Irritable and easily bored. May be prone to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. May have temper tantrums. Competitive as a teenager. Because they like to be rebellious they may become addicted to drugs or alcohol.
The Nux Vomica type may become dependant on drugs or alcohol.
The Phosphorus Type
Appearance: Tall and slim with long limbs. Likes to be stylish. Artistic and creative in appearance. Fine skin. Can have fair to dark hair.
Mental and emotional aspects: Needs a lot of love and attention. Good fun to be around but can become demanding. Likes to be the center of attention and like being cared for when upset or unwell. Expressive, affectionate and not afraid to show emotions. Needs reassurance regarding looks and image. Short attention span. Can be hard work for partner.
Physical weaknesses: Nervous system – especially fear and hypersensitivity. Circulation problems. Dizziness. Coughs and colds. Weakness of the lungs. Headaches. Left-side problems. Dietary factors: Likes sour and savory foods, salt, spicy food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, mild cheeses and sweet foods. Dislikes strongly flavored fish and fruit.
The Phosphorus child: Tall and slim with ling legs and arms. Nervous. Likes to be with people and centre of attention. Loves to receive attention. Strong fear of the dark.
The Phosphorus type like mild cheeses and sour and savoury foods.
The Pulsatilla Type
Appearance: Can be slightly overweight. Gentle and kind appearance. Can look younger than actual age. Hair is fair and skin has a rosy complexion. Blushes easily. Often rests with hands behind head.
Mental and emotional aspects: Shy and easily embarrassed. Kind and gentle and makes friends easily. Likes to be supported by others. Not assertive and can be indecisive. Cries easily, in particular over cruelty to children and animals, tragic news or weepy movies. Also laughs easily. Avoids confrontation. Loves animals. Can suppress guilt and anger. Occasionally prone to obsessive or compulsive behavior.
Physical weaknesses: All female reproductive problems. Catarrh. Irritable bowel syndrome. Skin problems. Varicose veins. Styes. Physical symptoms can fluctuate and change rapidly.
Dietary factors: Likes sweet foods, cold foods and cold drinks. Dislikes fatty foods such as cream and butter, and very rich, spicy foods.
The Pulsatilla child: Fears the dark and dislikes bedtime. Sensitive to changes in the weather. Becomes tearful and weepy when overtired. Prone to coughs and colds.
The Pulsatilla types often rest with their hands behind their heads.
The Sepia Type
Appearance: Slim and tall. Often sits with legs crossed. Likes to look attractive and elegant. Medium to dark hair, often with brown eyes.
Mental and emotional aspects: Can be irritable and easily offended. Tendency to be aggressive to loved ones. Cannot handle too much stress and tries to avoid pressure and deadlines. Can feel better after weeping, but does not like it when others are fussing around. Avoids crowds but fears being alone. Hates being contradicted, as holds strong opinions.
Physical weaknesses: These include all menopausal problems. Headaches and migraine. Skin problems. Other common ailments include constipation and haemorrhoids, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. Conditions usually improve with exertion. Physical problems mostly occur on left side.
Dietary factors: Likes spices, sour and savoury foods, citrus fruits, sweet foods and alcohol. Dislikes dairy products, especially milk, rich and strongly flavoured meets and fatty foods.
The Sepia child: Greedy. Prone to constipation. Can become a bedwetter. Moody. Feels the cold and can become tired easily. Does not like being alone.
The Sepia type doesn’t like crowds but fears being alone.
The Silicea Type
Appearance: Often thin or slim, with a large forehead. The head can appear too large for the body. Delicate, fine features; almost doll-like in appearance. The skin of the lips goes grey and can be cracked. The palms of the hands feel sweaty to the tough and nails can be brittle.
Mental and emotional aspects: Appears to have low confidence from a young age. Prone to mental exhaustion. Can become overburdened and overwhelmed. Responsibility weighs heavily on the Silicea type. Can be indecisive about taking on new projects, moves and new jobs. Fear of failure may surface in form of being a workaholic. Fear of failure can also spread into personal relationships. May stubbornly resist advice from friends and loved ones in order to hide true feelings.
Physical weaknesses: Problems with nervous system, especially due to burnout from new projects. Exhaustion. Slowness in healing and getting well. Respiratory illnesses and weaknesses including chest infections and low resistance to coughs and colds. Constipation. Skin problems. Headaches. Feels the cold.
Dietary factors: Likes cold foods such as salads and raw vegetables. Dislikes meet and dairy products, especially cheese and milk. Dislikes very hot food.
The Silicea child: Can be smaller than children of a similar age, with petite appearance, apart from large head. Feels the cold. Not sporty as has little stamina. Can be shy. Usually tidy and well behaved.
The Silicea type may have brittle nails and slow-healing skin.
The Sulphur Type
Appearance: May be slim with poor posture. May look untidy. Hair may be course, dry. Skin and lips can be prone to redness.
Mental and emotional aspects:Mind can be cluttered. Can be critical. Likes to argue. May lack willpower and self-esteem. Might not complete ideas and projects.
Physical weaknesses: Prone to skin and circulation problems; hemorrhoids and constipation; hot, burning feet; body odour.
Dietary factors: Likes sweet foods, fatty foods and stimulants such as coffee and chocolate. Likes alcohol, spicy foods, citrus fruits, salads and seafood. Dislikes dairy products, especially milk and eggs. Dislikes most hot drinks.
The Sulphur child: Untidy looking. Can be hyperactive in the evening. Does not like showers, bathing or washing hands. Has a very healthy appetite.
The Sulphur type enjoys sour foods such as citrus fruits.