четвъртък, 23 май 2013 г.

From  ORGANON of Medicine- dr. S. Hahnemann

About Miasms

§ 206 Sixth Edition

Before commencing the treatment of a chronic disease, it is necessary to make the most careful investigation1 as to whether the patient has had a venereal infection (or an infection with condylomatous gonorrhoea); for then the treatment must be directed towards this alone, when only the signs of syphilis (or of the rarer condylomatous disease) are present, but this disease is very seldom met with alone nowadays.

If such infection have previously occurred, this must also be borne in mind in the treatment of those cases in which psora is present, because in them the latter is complicated with the former, as is always the case when the symptoms are not those of pure syphilis; for when the physician thinks he has a case of old venereal disease before him, he has always, or almost always, to treat a syphilitic affection accompanied mostly by (complicated with) psora, for the internal itch dyscrasia (the psora) is far the most frequent fundamental cause of chronic diseases.

At times, both miasms may be complicated also with sycosis in chronically diseased organisms, or, as is much more frequently the case, psora is the sole fundamental cause of all other chronic maladies, whatever names they may bear, which are, moreover, so often bungled, increased and disfigured to a monstrous extent by allopathic unskillfulness.

понеделник, 8 април 2013 г.

European Journal of Integrative Medicine 

European Journal of Integrative Medicine understands Integrative Medicine as the link between conventional medicine and evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). 

To strengthen the understanding and cooperation between these polarised fields is the major target of this Journal. Therefore, it aims to connect medical researchers and clinicians as well as members of other medical professions and health care organisation, who seeks objective and critical information on Integrative Medicine in order to deepen their understanding of these approaches.

вторник, 5 март 2013 г.

Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine  

Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine

The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is the largest public-sector provider of integrated medicine in Europe. Formerly known as the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, the RLHIM offers an innovative, patient-centred service integrating the best of conventional and complementary treatments for a wide range of conditions. All clinics are led by consultants, doctors and other registered healthcare professionals who have received additional training in complementary medicine.
The RLHIM operates on an outpatients clinic basis.
Working closely with the other hospitals at UCLH, it has access to modern conventional techniques as well as inpatient services when required. Clinical services include women’s health, complementary cancer care, the Trust’s only allergy service, skin clinics, acupuncture, rheumatology service, children’s service, weight loss management, sleep management clinics, musculoskeletal medicine and stress management.


Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
60 Great Ormond Street


0845 155 5000 or
020 3456 7890
The hospital provides an integrated pharmacy service where patients and public can obtain specialist advice from fully trained pharmacists. Other patient and staff services include a retail pharmacy outlet and a specialist complementary and alternative medicine library. Within the hospital there is also an education unit which runs courses on integrated medicine for health care professionals.
